Monday, May 21, 2007


Well my exams are over..ME.How should i describe uncertain.I did my best. Now I know what Ting means when he say that after we come out from ME we don't know if we are right or wrong, but in the end you will pass.

I tried hard and did my best. Silly mistakes was made. But I guess as long as you show to the examiner that your concept is there should be ok.

Wailoon - Don't worry exam over, you need to unwind, focus now on TP and do well for that too.

For now I should relax my mind and heart. I shell now channel my energy to TP and my upcoming overseas trip.

Wai Loon you can do it. Winners don't quit, quitters don't win.

All the best for the rest of my friends who are taking LBO , CF and FR.

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