Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jam along Clementi Road outside SIM

There was an accident outside my school causing a jam. Apparently a car was turning out of SIM and it went directly to the rightest most lane and the driver did not notice the on coming lorry and the car ramp up the curb. Head lights and car bonnet of the car were badly smashed.
As usual today I had night lesson and the busstop outside SIM is always crowded after 10pm...hmm guess I am pretty immune to crowds at the busstop now..C'est La Vie :-)

Ok I going to rest liaoz, have not been feeling good for past two days as I was down with a headache yesterday.

Nothing is Impossible ! :-)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Part 2 - heavy rain

Rays of Sunlight - Photo taken when I left my house in the morning

At the busstop....waiting...waiting for the rain to stop

I live in a forested area..:-)

Heavy downpour along Upper Thomson Road

It was pouring cats and dogs on my way home. So while waiting at the bus-stop I took some photos.

Revision lecture was ok at school. Feel more confident about the exam I would be taking.(but not too over-confident ). Gambatte to all my classmates we all can do it ! :-)

C'est La Vie
Nothing is Impossible ! :-)


Hi all, it has been a long wait for an update. Here's some updates, had my first overseas revision last weekend, was quite good except my lecturer speaks with a french accent so we had to listen carefully, his a pretty interesting person, if you look at him at first you would not have known that he was a financial lecturer but rather a artist.:-)

Than after that had my local revision on Monday, after class went to unwind by watching the movie Horton, than after walk around HMV before heading home. It felt like it was Saturday to me cause my Saturdays and Sundays were spend in school so the Monday compensates the Saturday :-)

Here I am back again at school on a Saturday, but its local revision so its not the whole day I would be in school if not I won't be sitting here at my school library blogging..opps hahas

Okay got to go liaoz, I would post a photo which I took this morning at my home..

Have a great weekend.

Nothing is impossible ! :-)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ferrari Car

Enjoy this photo.

Wow its a beauty :-)
Someone's Favourite :-)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

SIM Open House 2008

Went to help out at SIM Open House 2008, it has been a fulfilling day for me. Spoke to many potential students and share with them my student life experience at SIM. Feel great that I can contribute to this years open house cause its my last year at SIM.Got to catch up with my programme manager and executives. Wednesday is MSM. Back to Study mode :-)
Go Go Go nothing is impossible !

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

梁静茹 MTVs

Enjoy these MTVs.
My favourite songs :-)

梁静茹- 丝路

梁靜茹 - 會呼吸的痛

梁静茹 - 听不到

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Two more to go

Had my CF and MA paper last week. It was a tired and worrying week for me. Glad that I to try out the prelims for these two papers. Thou I have not finished studying, but its good that I went to try. Get a feel of exam conditions. The turn out was good too, many students turn up for the two papers.

Two more to go which is MACRO and MSM. Rest day for me today and I'll start MACRO tomorrow.. Go Go Go..Nothing is Impossible! :)