Saturday, November 10, 2007

So Weird

O Lord, help us to be content,
Whatever we possess;
Protect us from the foolish lie
That “more” brings happiness.
Rainy and cloudy morning, Had this weird dream again and it was weirder that before...could this be a sign, but I have had that dream the other time and it was like nothing happened, how could this time be different from the last time. But this time the feeling was so strong, could not really remember what happened, hmm...hmm..hack care liaoz..not going to crack my head over this :D
woke up feeling tired.. as I only slept 4 hours the night before as I went for the A-mei concert. It was a great concert.:) I was so high :) Thanks A-mei for coming to Singapore.
Went to work the following morning like a zombie, was really lethargic. Left work at about 8 pm (that's about 11 hours of work as I started work at 8.30am), it was not that there was lots to do but I had to test out the name labels after much testing I succeed. I felt a sense of fulfillment cause I was tasked to do this job and to me I have to do it well and not give up. Walked out from office and headed to the bus-stop, but I did not take the bus :P I was very tired so I hoped on a taxi. The taxi uncle was friendly and we chatted a little.
Later going to meet up with my exco members, its been a long time since I last met them...
Signing off....ciao!

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